
Fannie-Freddie Fix Is the Focus of Senators’ Bipartisan Push

  • Corker, Warner seek common ground on housing-finance overhaul
  • Lawmakers started failed 2014 effort to unwind the companies

In a bitterly partisan Congress, two senators are making a rare push across party lines to solve a persistent riddle with huge implications for the U.S. housing market: What to do with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Aides to Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner have begun meeting with industry groups and former government officials to discuss ideas, according to people familiar with the matter. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo, whose panel would have to shepherd any bill to overhaul the mortgage finance giants, has also begun to hold housing-finance briefings with the idea of building toward a compromise…

Fannie-Freddie Fix Is the Focus of Senators’ Bipartisan Push

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