
Residential Originations Jump 23%


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RealtyTrac VP Daren Blomquist says January’s FHA premium rate reduction has pushed consumers off the fence for orginations.

IRVINE, CA—RealtyTrac has released its Q2 2015 U.S. Residential Loan Origination Report, which shows that1,950,267 loans were originated on single family homes and condos in the second quarter, up 22% from the previous quarter and up 23% from a year ago to the highest level since the third quarter of 2013.

The total dollar volume of loans originated in the second quarter was nearly $540 billion, up 14% from the previous quarter and up 29% from a year ago. Refinance originations represented nearly $307 billion in the second quarter, 56.7% of total loan origination dollar volume, and purchase loan originations represented nearly $234 billion, 43.3% of total origination dollar volume. As a share of total loan origination dollar volume, purchase originations reached a recent peak of 51.3% in the third quarter of 2014…

Residential Originations Jump 23%

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