
Straight Outta Compton real estate: Looking to buy a church? How about some affordable real estate?


Many people are familiar with N.W.A. especially if they have been in the L.A. area for two decades or more.  I would imagine the Taco Tuesday hipster crowd would be familiar with this at least.  It is interesting that there is this resurgence on reviving the old and trying to make it into the new.  Trying to bring back the past in a new light.  Since the movie Straight Outta Compton is getting a ton of press and certainly is going to highlight the city, let us take a look at Compton for some real estate deals.  The herd mentality is always strong with some people.  They say you need a few prerequisites for high prices: weather, location to city hubs, and of course the forever gentrifying trend.  Yet when you bring up a place like Compton, a place that meets these prerequisites, suddenly it is a no go.  They’ll then throw in schools (well there are many hipster hoods that have crappy schools and prices are still going up).  In the end, it is lemming like behavior that has forgotten the recent past (we are talking 2005 to 2009).  Let us see what we can find in Compton since I’m sure the movie is going to generate some buzz…

Straight Outta Compton real estate: Looking to buy a church? How about some affordable real estate?

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