Industrial Poised to Ride the Refi Wave
ByNetwork with the nation’s top CRE dealmakers at RealShare APARTMENTS in Los Angeles on Oct 21-22,RealShare INDUSTRIAL in Atlanta on Nov 3-4, RealShare NEW LEASE WEST in Los Angeles on Nov 11-12 andRealShare HEALTHCARE REAL ESTATE in Scottsdale, AZ on Dec 2-3.
Helping drive down availabilities for owners such as Prologis is “spillover effects” from sectors other than e-commerce, says Trepp.
NEW YORK CITY—“With over $14.5 billion in industrial CMBS loans set to mature between now and 2017, is the industrial market’s current demand strong enough to handle a wave of refinancings?” That’s a question posed by Trepp LLC, and the analytics firm’s new report on the sector gives it a pretty strong affirmative response. Corroborating the positive assessment is the latest three-year forecast from the Urban Land Institute, which rates industrial’s long-term performance highly by comparison to other sectors.
The obvious driver for the sector’s current good health is e-commerce, yet Trepp’s report makes it clear that there’s more than one driver. “In addition to retail, spillover effects from expansion in other sectors, such as automobile and housing construction, will lead to further increased industrial demand,” according to Trepp…