Barclays, Credit Suisse Pay $154.3 Million in Dark Pools Probe
By Tony SerugaPhotographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
SEC and New York split $70 million penalty from Barclays
Swiss lender owes $84.3 million in private trading settlement
Barclays Plc and Credit Suisse Group AG agreed to settle allegations by New York’s top cop and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that they misled investors on how they managed their private trading platforms.
Barclays will pay $70 million, split evenly between the two enforcers, the largest fine levied on a dark pool operator, the SEC said Sunday in a statement. Credit Suisse will pay $84.3 million, according to the statement. That payment includes $24.3 million to the SEC for disgorgement and interest, with the remainder shared evenly between the two authorities…
Barclays, Credit Suisse Pay $154.3 Million in Dark Pools Probe
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