
Educating Future Inheritors Is Not The Best Way For Financial Advisors To Maintain Investable Assets


Many financial advisors are seeking to continue investing assets when these monies are passed to the next generation. Educating the next generation about investments will likely not translate into enabling many these financial advisors continuing to manage the money.

While there are a variety of different estimates, the general consensus is that trillions of dollars are going to be handed down from today’s wealth holders to their children. Most affluent investors today use the services of financial advisors in managing their liquid wealth. What is very telling is that when these monies are transferred generationally, the children usually replace the financial advisors. Many times, there are significant adverse effects from these transitions for the financial advisors, their firms, and their broker/dealers…

Educating Future Inheritors Is Not The Best Way For Financial Advisors To Maintain Investable Assets

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