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Provenza: “Knowledge is the best way to meet the challenges we face as land brokers today.”
IRVINE, CA—With land scarcer than ever, developers today must offer a trifecta of understanding development risk, offering technical skills and delivering actionable solutions, WD Land partners Sal Provenza and Curt Crandall tell GlobeSt.com. The two joined the firm, formerly known as Whittlesey Doyle, in 2014 as senior land advisors and recently became partners. We spoke exclusively with them about trends, challenges and opportunities in land brokerage today.
GlobeSt.com: What do you hope to accomplish in your new roles at WD Land?
Provenza: The company has been in business for nearly 20 years and is a leading land-brokerage firm in Southern California. We intend to capitalize on the existing culture of collaboration and the stellar reputation that made WD Land the company it is today. We recently refreshed the WD Land brand by launching a new website and redesigning our marketing packages and other collateral materials. Now, recruiting is a top priority. We’ve added experienced land brokers, and we are aggressively seeking new candidates for our land-advisor training program. The comprehensive two-year training program is an opportunity for smart young professionals to learn how to be a successful land broker and provide best-in-class service to clients…