
A Reading List of Tell-Alls, Strategic Plans and Cautionary Tales in Finance


With the summer upon us and the so-called Brexit vote behind us, perhaps you might have some time to read one of the terrific books published recently that touch on big themes in business, finance and technology. I’ve been plowing through stacks of them to make your life simpler. Here are some of my favorites.

The most fun business book I have read this year? “Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley,” by a former Facebook executive, Antonio García Martinez. I was sent a galley copy several months ago and picked it up with no intention of reading more than the first couple of pages. I don’t think I looked up until about three hours later.

This is a tell-all of Mr. Martinez’s experience in venture capital and later at Facebook, filled with insights about Silicon Valley — what he calls “the tech whorehouse” — mixed with score-settling anecdotes that will occasionally make you laugh out loud. Clearly there will be people who hate this book — which is probably one of the things that makes it such a great read…

A Reading List of Tell-Alls, Strategic Plans and Cautionary Tales in Finance

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