Bonuses for Traders, Hedge Fund Managers Seen Falling in ‘16
Fixed-income desks may see bonus cuts of 20%, consultant says
Hedge fund bonuses could be down 15% this year, Johnson says
Bonus pools could decline by as much as 20 percent for some Wall Street workers this year, with incentive pay falling at almost every type of financial-services firm, according to compensation consultant Johnson Associates Inc.
The sharpest drop probably will be in fixed-income sales and trading, as well as investment-bank underwriting, which may tumble 15 percent to 20 percent from a year earlier, Johnson Associates said Tuesday in a report. Those in investment-banking advisory services and management positions at banks could see declines of 10 percent to 15 percent, the consultant said…
Bonuses for Traders, Hedge Fund Managers Seen Falling in ‘16