City of Los Angeles Tops 4 Million For First Time: Big Increase Coming from Multi-Family Units and the Renting Revolution.
ByThe renting revolution continues in Los Angeles. For the first time in history the City of Los Angeles tops 4 million people. Much of this growth of course is being supported by sardine like living in multi-family units. Which of course, is only going to add to additional traffic congestion. But who cares! Prices went up and that is all that matters. Quality of life be dammed. L.A. is consistently ranked as one of the worst places for traffic in the entire country. House horny enthusiasts of course will try to use this data as some kind of great thing but in reality, even for those buying homes in the city you will still need to access those roadways which are now going to have more people on them. And yes, it is very likely those people are going to be renters since L.A. and L.A. County in general is a renting majority county. It is amazing to see the population of L.A. now top 4 million. I can’t wait to jump on the 405, 10, and 5 freeways with all these new people!…