
Consolidation Continues to Influence MOB


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Haralson says consolidation can provide a coordinated continuum of services.

PHOENIX—The property market in the hospital and health care provider segment faces a series of changes that are designed to provide greater efficiency in delivery of healthcare services.  These changes are significant in property terms because of the trend of consolidation.

The already existing national trend of hospitals establishing off-campus outpatient facilities and specialty practices is dovetailing with the business plans and exit strategies of independent practices which are finding profitability declining.  Owing to the rising costs of medical care provisioning–driven by everything from very unwieldy and complex billing struggles to the wider economic picture where six out of 10 US doctors reporting patients have difficulty paying for care–entrepreneurial physicians will increasingly see buyout offers from hospitals as attractive way to get out from a lease or to sell a building, says the National Association of Realtors (NAR)…

Consolidation Continues to Influence MOB

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