Controversial Private Bus Startup For Rich Techies Gets Money and Support From Likeliest of Sources
ByIn today’s San Francisco, the act of commuting is really a statement about your station in the hierarchy of America’s
Smuggest Techiest City.
For instance, most San Franciscans spend their mornings trudging to dirty street corners where they are picked up by spartan, overcrowded, public buses and then sit in snarling traffic, watching the clock turn as they get increasingly late to work.
But those people are plebes.
For the technoscenti that make the commute from their hip pads in the city to the campuses of Silicon Valley however, there is a superior option. WiFi-enabled mini-buses that often seat less than 20 and get the people that are “making the world a better place” to work in relative comfort…
Controversial Private Bus Startup For Rich Techies Gets Money and Support From Likeliest of Sources