Dealing With Sexism on Wall Street and Beyond
ByJasu Hu
To the Editor:
Re “How Wall Street Bro Talk Keeps Women Down” (Sunday Review, July 10): As a woman on Wall Street for the past 30 years, I have a perspective that is slightly different from Sam Polk’s. I was an institutional bond trader and have held senior management jobs.
I started in the ’80s, and from the first day decided I would be true to myself and not try to be one of the boys. I also decided that I would be one really, really tough act to follow. As an institutional bond trader, I was a member of a very small club. It is tremendously high pressure.
I liked to tell friends that I worked in the male locker room. People would let off pressure in crude and crass ways. If you showed a weakness, people would hound you. It was also extremely political. I saw people fired because their boss took a dislike to them even though they were top producers…