Fixing Drafty Old Buildings Becomes $20 Billion U.S. Industry
ByCalifornia and New York have taken the lead in prodding building owners toward greater energy efficiency with a mix of rebates and tax breaks to help offset the costs.
California’s clean-air laws drive ‘energy retrofit’ economy
Paperwork bugs some landlords, but they’re OK with big fixes
California building owners already employ a small army of consultants to navigate the nation’s strictest energy standards, and many will soon spend millions to make old buildings more efficient. As the U.S. redoubles its commitment to reducing greenhouse gases, that experience could be replicated nationwide.
With the state poised to halve building energy use by 2030 and the nation about to start curbing greenhouse-gas emissions under last month’s Paris accord, more structures across the U.S will need renovations. Buildings account for 39 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, exceeding transportation and industrial uses, says the U.S. Green Building Council…
Fixing Drafty Old Buildings Becomes $20 Billion U.S. Industry