
Hedge-Fund Investors Dump Laggards, 84% Redeem in First Half

  • Study shows most redemptions tied to specific underperformance
  • Those who pulled expect to re-invest in other hedge funds

Running an underperforming hedge fund? Your clients are noticing.

Eighty-four percent of investors in hedge funds pulled money in the first half of the year, and 61 percent said they will probably make withdrawals later this year, according to a Credit Suisse Group AG study released Tuesday. The main driver among those who redeemed: their fund underperformed.

The survey, which polled more than 200 allocators with almost $700 billion invested in hedge funds, found that most were redirecting their money to other managers, rather than exiting the asset class altogether. Only 9 percent said they weren’t planning to reinvest the money they pulled in other hedge funds…

Hedge-Fund Investors Dump Laggards, 84% Redeem in First Half

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