How One Broker Included Video Equipment in a Client’s TI
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The National Press Club got new video equipment thanks to Ezra Co.’s efforts.
WASHINGTON, DC–Brokers, at least in public statements and releases, tend to keep information about TIs close, other than the per forma announcement that they negotiated a generous deal for their client. To be fair, this is often at the client’s behest but even at the aggregate level many brokers are loathe to talk about what they are able to secure for their clients.
For that reason, an otherwise routine announcement about a recent deal The Ezra Co., negotiated stood out. The company recently completed an 11-year, 11,608-square foot lease extension for The National Press Club at 529 14th St. NW. The press club itself can be found on the 13th and 14fth floors, but it also occupies the 4th floor, which is used as a television production studio…