
Investors Sharpen Focus on Social and Environmental Risks to Stocks


Linda-Eling Lee, global research chief for MSCI’s E.S.G. ratings. These ratings are based on companies’ performance on environmental, social and corporate governance factors. CreditGuerin Blask for The New York Times

Pfizer stock was riding high in June 2015, up 128 percent in five years, making it the second-most valuable American drug maker. Nine out of 10 Wall Street research analysts recommended that investors hold it in their portfolio, if not buy more.

That same month, however, a different type of research firm downgraded Pfizer to its lowest rating, reflecting what it considered increased risks from factors that other Wall Street analysts typically ignore: environmental, social and corporate governance issues, or E.S.G…

Investors Sharpen Focus on Social and Environmental Risks to Stocks

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