Mt. Gox Creditors Seek Trillions Where There Are Only Millions
ByKolin Burges, one of the most outspoken creditors of the failed Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, protesting in February 2014. “I am disturbed by the amount of money which the bankruptcy process has burned through,” Mr. Burges said. CreditToru Hanai/Reuters
That figure — $2.4 trillion for those with an untrained eye for very large numbers — is in the same ballpark as the annual economic output of France.
It is also exactly the amount that people around the world claim they lost when Mt. Gox, the Tokyo-based virtual currency exchange, collapsed into bankruptcy in 2014, after huge, unexplained losses of the volatile digital currency Bitcoin…
Mt. Gox Creditors Seek Trillions Where There Are Only Millions