One Wall Street Firm Expects Airbnb to Book a Billion Nights a Year Within a Decade
ByIf you still haven’t tried Airbnb, you probably will by 2025.
photographer: andrew harrer/bloomberg
Just about everyone loves Airbnb Inc., according to a new survey from Cowen Group Inc.—not least the financial firm’s analysts.
“While we expected positive results for Airbnb, we were surprised by how well Airbnb fared in a number of key metrics that we see as bullish for the company’s long-term prospects,” the team, led by Kevin Kopelman, said after looking at the results of its survey of 1,400 U.S. hotel and short-term rental consumers in the first quarter, in which they specifically targeted Airbnb users…
One Wall Street Firm Expects Airbnb to Book a Billion Nights a Year Within a Decade