
Pressure on Valeant Puts William Ackman’s Image as Moneymaker at Risk


Some well-known investors have followed William A. Ackman in staying with shares of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. CreditMisha Friedman for The New York Times

As an investor, William A. Ackman lives or dies by his big bets. When he is right, the hedge fund titan earns billions of dollars and plenty of accolades.

But when he is wrong, things can turn very ugly. Mr. Ackman’s biggest bet yet — Valeant Pharmaceuticals International — has cost him more than a billion dollars in losses, at least on paper.

And he is not alone. Some of the investment world’s best-known investors have followed him in staying in the stock and have also sustained losses as a result…

Pressure on Valeant Puts William Ackman’s Image as Moneymaker at Risk

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