What Does Bernie Sanders Want?
ByBernie Sanders.Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times
In the aftermath of the tragedy in Orlando, few seemed to notice that the Democratic primary season finally ended on Tuesday, when Hillary Clinton, already the Democrats’ likely nominee, won 79 percent of the D.C. vote.
While the nominating contest ended with a whimper, Mrs. Clinton’s opponent hopes to go out with a roar.
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Clinton met for nearly two hours with Bernie Sanders, the Democratic socialist whose surprising challenge pushed her to the left, and who now hopes to keep her there. The two are circling warily, battered by the long race. Mr. Sanders has yet to endorse Mrs. Clinton, and her supporters hope he’ll make a full-throated pitch for her that will help draw in the young voters and independents she needs to beat Donald Trump in the fall. Both camps expect Mr. Sanders to gain a top speaking slot at the Democratic nominating convention in July in Philadelphia…