
What’s Next for This Landlord’s Market?


Multifamily and Student Housing are coming to Miami! Registration is open for RealShare STUDENT HOUSINGand RealShare APARTMENTS EAST. Double the networking at The Thompson Hotel, Miami Beach on February 23-24. Discounts available when you attend both events.

Developers are moving to bring 5.5 million square feet of new office development to market.

ATLANTA—Strong job growth, industry expansion and conservative development levels are paving the way for continued positive growth among Atlanta’s office,industrial, retail, and multifamily sectors. So says CBRE Research’s 2016 Southeast US Real Estate Market Outlook.

“This current trajectory suggests in-migration and workforce expansion will provide a foundation for further economic growth, and ultimately, broad demand for commercial real estate,” Dan Wagner, a regional research manager at CBRE, tells GlobeSt.com. “Office users, for example, benefit from a larger pool of educated workers for recruiting top talent, population increases encourage household formation, underpinning the demand for housing, increased consumption of goods requires adequate industrial product for storage and distribution, and an expanding base of residents and consumers bodes well for retail product.”…

What’s Next for This Landlord’s Market?

Categories : Uncategorized

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